Infinity Levels?
Wondering why there are ALMOST NO articles for Infinity levels. I'm beginning to make some now...
Pronouncing of fictional words
Just curious, is their any known way of how to say some of these words? Such as S'pht'Kr, for example I always imagined it would be "Spit K R." Could these words based on any real laungage or just imagination of devs?
Marathon Pfhorever
Wow. I don't think I've ever NOT played this game.
I occasionally went through phases of not playing for weeks (or months) at a time, but now that I've got M1, M2, and MI on MOBILE... yeah, that's probably not gonna happen. :)
Active members?
Hey guys,
I'm making this blog post to see who is active here, and who is in control? Could the current admin, and any active contributors please contact me using either this Blog or my talk page?
If recent reports are correct, Marathon is back
According to some legal documents from the ongoing Activison-Zampella trial, Bungie's next series will be a series of 4 "sci-fantasy action shooter" games named Destiny. They will have release dates of 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019.
BUT ALSO INCLUDED was a statement saying that Bungie would be allowed to devote "no more than 5% of its staff" to a new version of Marathon.
What do you think of this news? Sound off below!
since been awile
its been three years since i started to edit on this wiki, i left it about 4 months later and havent been back since. I like what people have done with it and didnt ruin it so im thankfull. marathon has to be one of the most underratted and underapreciated games to ever created. just one request never stop editing
Anyone out here?
I just got here, but it seems to me that this site was largely abandoned. Please post something if you are an active user.