Confound Delivery is the fourth level in Marathon Infinity. It is the third level of Despair, the second chapter of the game.
Terminals []
This terminal has a message from Tycho, who tells you his hunters have tracked Durandal's human troops. Apparently, the humans are trying to activate an ancient S'pht AI and they may have been partially successful. You are ordered to find the S'pht AI. Meanwhile, Tycho's ship is adrift, having been damaged by Durandal's weapons. However, Tycho has a plan; he's sent a message to Durandal to lure him in.
If you haven't completed the mission objectives yet, Tycho tells you to get back to work, threatening to execute you if you don't find the S'pht AI.
Once you've found the S'pht AI, Tycho describes how he managed to take Durandal's ship off-line by driving his compilers to rampancy. Pfhor Battle Group Seven approaches, and it should easily be able to destroy Durandal.
However, a massive structure is entering a Lh'owon orbit—this could be the moon K'lia, home of the lost S'pht clan, the S'pht'Kr, which the S'pht AI Thoth is capable of recalling. Suspecting that this might be some trick of Durandal, Tycho reveals that he is ready to use the Pfhor early nova device, the trih xeem, aboard his ship. The terminal ends with Tycho sending you to Durandal's ship to fight alongside Tycho's troopers.
Deploying the trih xeem would lead to the release of the W'rkncacnter, dooming the universe. In this timeline, the player eventually fails to prevent the trih xeem from firing, necessitating visits to other timelines to try again.
Marathon Infinity - Level 4: Confound Delivery