
Eat It, Vid Boi! is the tenth level in Marathon 2: Durandal. It is the first level of Citadel, the fourth chapter of the game. Set just outside the S'pht Citadel of Antiquity, this lava-filed level is about finding a way into the Citadel.

The enemies you will encounter here include Pfhor Fighters, S'pht Compilers, and Cyborgs.

This map has three pattern buffers in it. One is found in a small hidden room just north of the starting location, along with a 1x shield recharger. A second buffer is found in the northwest corner of the level, and the third one is found in the east part. A 2x shield recharger is located in a room just below the first pattern buffer, accessible through elevators hidden in small niches. Another 2x shield recharger is found in an oval room in the far southeast part of the level. Finally, a 1x shield recharger is located in a room on the west side of the level.


At the start of the level, pick up the ammo at the south end of the ledge you're on, then go through the door to the north. You'll run into a lot of enemies; if you run around the Cyborgs' grenades are sure to hit other aliens, causing them to fight among themselves.

There is a wall section in the northwest that is slightly darker than the rest of the wall. It's a hidden door with a pattern buffer and a 1x shield recharger. The niches in the south wall here are elevators leading down to a 2x recharger.

Hit the button in this room and go back south; the west elevator in the large hall is now active. Go up the elevator and head north to a large room split into four quadrants. The door in the east wall leads to a long tunnel that goes north, then west. At the end of the tunnel, drop down and head northwest to find another pattern buffer. Hit the switch and keep heading west past it, following the path to a 1x shield recharger. A bit further to the south you'll find a switch you have to hit. The wall in the southwest corner of the room reveals yet another switch to hit.

Go back to the northwest pattern buffer, and head east, then south into the building. The eastern corridors eventually lead to another pattern buffer. To the south of it, an elevator will carry you to a terminal. Stand in front of the terminal to lower a column to the north, and hit the newly revealed button.

Go south and hit the button on the west wall. If you wait for a walkway to rise out of the lava, you can cross over to the platform with a 2x shield recharger. There's also a Fusion Pistol there, along with a lot of fusion ammo.

Now go back north through the narrow passages, then east to get back to the wide stone corridor. There are a couple of corridors leading west to the large hall that's divided into four quadrants. Head to the southeast quadrant; in the corner of the room you'll find a passage running south to the beginning of the level.

Go south, across the lava lake using the newly-raised bridge. You'll find the exit terminal, along with a bunch of enemies, inside the Citadel at the south end of the level. Now that you have entered the Citadel, Durandal sends you to explore the upper levels in The Hard Stuff Rules...


As described above, the room with the initial pattern buffer contains two small elevators leading down to a 2x shield recharger. But there's also a third elevator right next to them leading up to a nice ammo stash.

At the end of the level, once you're standing on the east elevator overlooking the large hall where the level's initial battle took place, you can jump to a tunnel high up in the northeast corner of the hall. Behind it, an elevator leads down to a ledge just above the lava. Run to the northwest to find a shotgun with a ton of ammo down in the center of the large central hall (this place is labelled C on the map). Technically the shotgun is available right from the beginning of the level, but at the start this area is flooded with lava.

Terminals TychoiscoolbeansTRANSWHAT[]

<Pragma Junction ^7921 Engaged> (west)[]

The first terminal is a message from Durandal, who has just teleported you to the S'pht Citadel of Antiquity on Lh'owon. The Citadel was the site of the final battle in the war between the S'pht and the Pfhor a thousand years ago, and Durandal wants you to find a way in. If you return to this terminal at the end, he yells at you to get inside, threatening to teleport you out into space.

<Mnr *@1cz: 9cm2>[]

The next terminal is from the S'pht. They tell you that the S'pht'Kr left Lh'owon, stopping on K'lia, Lh'owon's third moon, where they built a new home. After a thousand years, Yrro sent K'lia "out to the stars." The second message from the terminal tells you that there was a war between the S'pht'Mnr and the S'pht'Lhar.

The second terminal message speaks of the brutal war between the S'pht'Mnr and the S'pht'Lhar. When the moon K'lia left, the planet's climate was changed because the marsh waters were no longer affected by the moon's tidal forces, turning the marshlands into sandy deserts.

<Pragma Junction ^7921 Engaged> (east)[]

The third terminal is from Durandal again. He informs you that the Pfhor's Battle Group Seven, over 10% of the Pfhor's active naval strength, is approximately 20 hours away, and that he will not be able to hold them off for long with the Sfiera alone. If you return to the terminal later on, he yells at you again to return to the Citadel.

<Trn 36 ap&1cz:: 9cm2>[]

The fourth terminal is another message from Durandal, stating that his S'pht and the BOBs have begun enhancing the defenses of their headquarters, so they can hold out for a long time, even if he has to abandon them. Durandal believes more information about the eleventh S'pht clan is at the top of the Citadel, which is where the next level takes place.


Marathon 2: Durandal - Level 10: Eat It, Vid Boi!

Arrival ArrivalBigger Guns NearbyNever Burn Money
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The Pfhor Pfhor Your Eyes Only...No Artificial ColorsUnpfhorgivenTwo Times Two Equals...Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones...EupfhoriaPfhoraphobiaAin't Got Time Pfhor This...
Rebellion Welcome to the Revolution...Try againIngue Ferroque
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Marathon 2: Durandal
Lh'owon Waterloo WaterparkThe Slings & Arrows of Outrageous FortuneCharon Doesn't Make Change
Volunteers What About Bob?Come and Take your MedicineWe're Everywhere
Garrison Ex CathedraNuke And PaveCuriouser and Curiouser...
Citadel Eat It, Vid Boi!The Hard Stuff Rules...Bob's Big DateSix Thousand Feet Under
Durandal If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody PaySorry Don't Make It SoFor Carnage, Apply WithinBegging For Mercy Makes Me Angry!
Captured The Big House
Blake This Side Toward EnemyGod Will Sort The Dead...My Own Private ThermopylaeKill Your Television
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Marathon Infinity
Prologue Ne Cede Malis
Despair Rise Robot Rise Robot World Arena
Poor Yorick Two for the Price of One
Confound Delivery
Electric Sheep OneWhere are monsters in dreams Aie Mak Sicur
Rage Acme StationPost Naval TraumaWhere Some Rarely GoThing What Kicks...Electric Sheep TwoWhatever You Please Carroll Street Station
Naw Man He's CloseFoe HammerHang BrainElectric Sheep ThreeEat the Path You're Wormfood, Dude
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Vidmaster Challenge Try AgainIf I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody PayYou Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time!
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