Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! is the thirteenth level in Marathon. It is the first level of Durandal, the fourth chapter of the game. Although a little bit of lava could be spotted at the bottom of a shaft in the previous level, this level is the first one in which lava plays a major part in the level design, which explains the level's name. Your mission is simply to reach the end of the level.
There are many Wasps in this level; they seem to like hanging out near lava-filled areas. You will also encounter Pfhor Troopers, some S'pht Compilers at the end, and a single Looker in an optional side room.
The level contains a single pattern buffer in a corridor to the northeast of the player's starting position. This corridor also holds a 2x shield recharger. Additionally, a 1x shield recharger can be found in a side room just southeast of the first lava room.
From the starting room, make your way north. You'll find a room with narrow walkways across a pool of lava. Be careful not to fall in the lava, as it will continually damage you and you'll have to grenade jump to get back out. Kill the Wasps here, then make your way to the southeast to find a 1x shield recharger and some ammo.
Just north of the lava room, take the eastbound corridor and follow it past a series of lava furnaces. You'll come across a pattern buffer (the only one on the level) and a 2x shield recharger.
Now go back past the furnaces and towards the west end of the level. You should be in the room labelled B on the map. Jump into the lava, and quickly run behind the pillar in the northwest corner before you die of fire damage. There's a small tunnel leading to another lava-filled room (room C) where you can get out of the lava.
Go to the east; a few rooms down you'll find an elevator taking you up into a tunnel. Follow the path and you'll find a switch to raise some walkways out of the lava in the room just to the north of the pattern buffer.
Now go all the way back to the pattern buffer. You don't have to go through the lava in room C again; there's a shortcut corridor leading directly to room B.
From the pattern buffer, move across the newly raised bridges to the north. You can take either the left or right path, they will both lead to the same lava-filled room in the north. Jump across the lava to a narrow ledge surrounding a pillar, and move around the pillar to find the exit terminal.
From the last terminal you are teleported to Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap.
Science Terminal 23-e<>[]
The first terminal tells you that a message transfer has been delayed and terminated, then quotes part of The Song of Roland, and finishes with a poem written by Durandal.
Public Access Terminal 92-g<>[]
The second terminal begins with a corrupted message from Leela that is so incomplete and incomprehensible. The message mentions Mjolnir Recon number 54, which could be the player's call number. The terminal then tells you the message cannot be transmitted and instead gives you a pre-recorded message stating Leela's functions will fail shortly and that she has given instructions to Durandal for the UESC Marathon's defense, but he is in the Jealous state of rampancy and is highly unstable.
- The music for this level is a song titled Leela. It was previously heard in Bigger Guns Nearby. It is track #8.
- When this map is opened in a map editor, a written message can be found outside the bounds of the level. It reads, "CUPIDITAS PRAEMIUM SUUM EST." which is Latin for "Greed is its own reward".
- the level title is a reference to MTV sitcom Beavis and Butt-head
Marathon - Level 12: Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!