This is a terminal that can be found in Marathon.
Game: Marathon
Level: Arrival
Once you are in the big room in the maze, hit the switch to open a door. Follow the passage that is revealed; it leads you to this terminal.
Terminal Text[]
U.E.S.C. Marathon Hangar Area 5 Teleporter Pad Terminal<>
***INCOMING MESSAGE FROM LEELA*** All of the information that I have gathered so far indicates that the Alien invasion of the Marathon has been relatively uncoordinated. I suspect that this is partially due to the Marathon's large size. However disorderly the Alien invasion is, their assault of the Computer Net has been extremely effective. I detect security breaches in almost every computer system onboard the Marathon; I have learned that there is an Alien creature that is capable of interfacing with our systems. You must kill any of these creatures that you find. It is a priority that we stop them. Even now, they are penetrating my defenses. Teleport now. ***End Message*** ***JUMP PAD ACTIVATION INITIATION START*** ***TRANSPORT WHEN READY***
U.E.S.C. Marathon Hangar Area 5 Teleporter Pad Terminal<>
This is the end of the level. This foreshadows Leela going off line later in the game, as she is being attacked by the S'pht.