
House Of Pain is one of the thirteen network levels in Marathon 2: Durandal. This network level was also released with Marathon Infinity.


House of Pain is an arena style where players will spawn along the outer edges and usually fight in the center. While there are weapons to pick up near the spawn points, the majority of the weapons encourage players to head straight to the center.

Ammunition for this level will spawn at random locations but there's a greater chance for it to appear along the edges as there's more polygons there.



There are no known secrets for this level.


Marathon 2: Durandal - Network Level: House Of Pain

Marathon Infinity  - Network Level: House of Pain

Arrival ArrivalBigger Guns NearbyNever Burn Money
Counterattack Defend THIS!Couch FishingThe RoseSmells Like Napalm, Tastes Like Chicken!Cool FusionG4 SunbathingBlaspheme Quarantine
Reprisal Bob-B-QShake Before Using...
Durandal Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!Colony Ship For Sale, CheapHabe QuiddamNeither High nor Low
The Pfhor Pfhor Your Eyes Only...No Artificial ColorsUnpfhorgivenTwo Times Two Equals...Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones...EupfhoriaPfhoraphobiaAin't Got Time Pfhor This...
Rebellion Welcome to the Revolution...Try againIngue Ferroque
Network levels Mars Needs WomenCarnage Palace Deee-luxe5-D SpaceArenaE Equals MC What!!!!Showered With GrenadesSpiral InsanityWaldo World ArenaWhat Goes Up Must Come DownYou Don't Need To See My ID
Marathon 2: Durandal
Lh'owon Waterloo WaterparkThe Slings & Arrows of Outrageous FortuneCharon Doesn't Make Change
Volunteers What About Bob?Come and Take your MedicineWe're Everywhere
Garrison Ex CathedraNuke And PaveCuriouser and Curiouser...
Citadel Eat It, Vid Boi!The Hard Stuff Rules...Bob's Big DateSix Thousand Feet Under
Durandal If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody PaySorry Don't Make It SoFor Carnage, Apply WithinBegging For Mercy Makes Me Angry!
Captured The Big House
Blake This Side Toward EnemyGod Will Sort The Dead...My Own Private ThermopylaeKill Your Television
Simulacrums Where the Twist FlopsBeware of Abandoned Rental TrucksRequiem For a Cyborg
S'pht'Kr Fatum Iustum StultorumFeel the NoiseAll Roads Lead To Sol...
Network levels ThunderdomeShangri-LaNo DisintegrationsOK, HoneybunnyLack Of VisionFlight Of The ToolatorGiant Flaming Pit Of LavaHouse Of Pane16th ParallelOne Hit WonderOK, Who wants SomeEveryone's Mortal But Me5-D space
Marathon Infinity
Prologue Ne Cede Malis
Despair Rise Robot Rise Robot World Arena
Poor Yorick Two for the Price of One
Confound Delivery
Electric Sheep OneWhere are monsters in dreams Aie Mak Sicur
Rage Acme StationPost Naval TraumaWhere Some Rarely GoThing What Kicks...Electric Sheep TwoWhatever You Please Carroll Street Station
Naw Man He's CloseFoe HammerHang BrainElectric Sheep ThreeEat the Path You're Wormfood, Dude
Envy By CommitteeOne thousand thousand slimy thingsA Converted Church in Venice, ItalySon of GrendelStrange AeonsBagged AgainYou Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time!Aye Mak Sicur
Vidmaster Challenge Try AgainIf I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody PayYou Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time!
Network levels DualityThrudWrath No More?Y.A.F.N.M.Beyond ThunderdomeVulcanHouse of PainKing of PainEx Justicia MortisDead FieldsReturn to WaldoThink and ChunkyRoute 66MorphfineRoute 66 (604 or better)La Cosa NostraDelusions of GrandeurSplineMars Needs WomenWho's Got the Itchiesreverof nohtaram`Fugee CampMeletoninFortress Lh'owon