
Simulacrums is the eighth chapter in Marathon 2: Durandal and consists of three levels.



"Simulacrums" chapter screen

Throughout this entire chapter the player is contacted by Thoth with minimal advancement in the story line.

The players begins in Where the Twist Flops and is instructed to kill all assimilated humans and Pfhor. This area appears to be part of the S'pht/human base Robert Blake was in.

Thoth then sends you to Beware of Abandoned Rental Trucks to activate some ancient interstellar communications technology that is capable of contacting the lost S'pht clan, the S'pht'Kr.

Finally, the player is sent to the Pfhor ship, Hfarl and while no objective is given from Thoth, the player must hit multiple switches to prepare the ship for Robert Blake and men to take over.


Where the Twist Flops

  • Thoth tells the player to kill all Simulacrums and Pfhor. Once the player killed all hostiles, he should return to the starting area to teleport out from the exit terminal.

Beware of Abandoned Rental Trucks

  • The player has to search some abandoned S'pht structures to find an ancient communications tower. The machinery here must be activated to recall the eleventh clan of the S'pht.

Requiem For a Cyborg

  • The player is transported aboard the Pfhor ship Hfarl by Thoth without any reason. Thoth gives no instructions here and doesn't contact the player except to teleport him out. To complete this level, the player must hit two switches which disengage large docking clamps and hit all three switches in the room with the plasma. Returning to the first terminal will teleport the player out.

Preceded by
Marathon 2: Durandal Chapter Info:
Succeeded by