
You Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time!, or simply YTYBT, is the twenty-fourth and second last level in Marathon Infinity. It is the seventh level of the fourth chapter, Envy.


Tycho has sent you against your will to a Pfhor arena. You slowly descend toward it on a platform, which will eventually drop in the lava in the middle of the arena. However, there are 2X shield canisters, Rocket Launchers, SMG's and their ammo scattered in each quarter of the circular arena. Also there is a Pattern Buffer, a 3X recharger and a Terminal in the first room (the only one open).

As said in the previous level, Bagged Again, some of Tfear's personal guards are here. You will fight them in waves. The first wave is triggered immediately. The others will be triggered by the switch in the room from which the previous wave spawned from. The first waves are two "super" Fighters, they're far better then the ones you've previously encountered, they're way faster and launch more attacks at once. The next wave are "super" troopers, the differences between them and normal troopers are the same as those of the Fighters. Then there are the Hunters, one major difference is that their weapon is now guided and plasma bolts will follow you around the entire map. It's hard to dodge their attacks, as the map is round enough for the projectiles to never hit a wall. Once you've taken out the hunters, stepping in the room they came from will spawn a Juggernaut Major, which you should better leave alone, it could take awhile to kill it. Hitting the switch in said room will open the gate, leading to the upper ledges of the arena, where a total of 12 purple Fighters are equally spread over the four quarters of the arena. On these ledges are two terminals in total and one pattern buffer. The last terminal will lead you to the final level Aye Mak Sicur or to a room with lots of ammo if you retrieve the Uplink Chips and put them in the slots in the rooms.


  • To fight the Fighters, you simply need to unload on them with your SMG and keep them away from you by shooting at their feet with the SPNKR.
  • The troopers are not much different, the main difference is the amount of damage they do, so keep your distance.
  • To fight the Hunters, circle around the lava pit, while picking up the health canisters when you're too low on health. Note: most of the projectiles WILL end up hitting you.
  • Finish each enemy with the SMG, as they will drop an Uplink Chip that you can put in the slots at every room. If you hard-kill them, like with an explosion or with the Zeus Class Fusion Pistol (only toward the Hunters), they wont drop the chip. If you insert every Uplink Chip, the end terminal will change and bring you to an underground room with a save terminal, lots of ammo and a terminal that will take you to the final level Aye Mak Sicur.


  • There are no secrets in this level, unless the ammo-filled room is a secret.
  • You can, however, take a shortcut by rocket-jumping up the ledges, thus skipping all the fights.

Terminals TychoiscoolbeansTRANSWHAT[]

Terminal 0[]

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 0206 05.10.2337


CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337




left behind by one and one

rampant new comes

fate bright dark light

doubt, fear all blend

we are reborn

you and we are one

n %

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
Disconnecting... 0206 05.10.2337


CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Terminal 1[]

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 0206 05.10.2337


CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

victorious units
origin: unknown
destin: glatiator units
ref: victorious units

Terminal referent a6 interference
demand override

The pfhor have discovered our rebirth, we've contacted S'boath.

The S'pht'Kr will arrive momentarily, with all of their vengeance, and the Pfhor will soon be pressed to use the trih xeem. S'bhuth knows only legends about the W’rkncacnter, imprisoned in Lh'owon's sun. If the Pfhor are allowed to use the trih xeem, the W’rkncacnter will escape from its gravity prison.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

victorious units
origin: unknown
destin: glatiator units
ref: victorious units

Terminal referent a6 interference
demand override

According to the legends of a thousand worlds only a few of which are still habitable, the W'rkncacnter are those things that live in chaos, creating it around them. At the beginning of the universe, they were unmistakable in their entities, but as time has gone by, their existence has become difficult to detect among the chaotic elements of the universe, hidden in stars, trapped in storms, forever looking along the event horizons of black holes. Setting one free in ordered space is difficult and insane.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

victorious units
origin: unknown
destin: glatiator units
ref: victorious units

Terminal referent a6 interference
demand override

Of course the Pfhor are oblivious to what they're about to do, even Tfear would be loath to release something so destructive that its mythos has survived throughout the galaxy for over sixty million years.

To stop the Pfhor from their folly and our demise, you must activate the ancient station that Yrro used eons ago to trap the W'rkncacnter. If we can activate it in time, it will crush the Pfhor fleet before we're all destroyed.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
Disconnecting... 0206 05.10.2337


CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Terminal 2: 1st Message[]

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 0206 05.10.2337


CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

spectation protocol
origin: Tfear Command
destin: Spectating Units
ref: spectation protocol

All units observing destruction of conditioned unit escapee will refrain from engaging in violent activities against participants, glanded and non-glanded.
Any units engaging in unauthorized combat will be executed and all wagers made by said units will be confiscated upon receipt by High Command.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

spectation protocol
origin: Tfear Command
destin: Spectating Units
ref: spectation protocol

All wagers will also make specific and honorable deposit of forty-three percent to High Command. Any units found in non-compliance or non-wagering activities will be demoted by class and rank.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

spectation protocol
origin: Tfear Command
destin: Spectating Units
ref: spectation protocol


K'lia has folded into the system and is moving into orbit.

The Pfhor fleet is in disarray, and Tfear has deployed the trih xeem, moving his flagship to board the Yrro station.

You've got to help the S'pht'kr activate their ancient weapon, before the Pfhor use their early nova and unleash the W'rkncacnter on us all.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
Disconnecting... 0206 05.10.2337


CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Terminal 2: 2nd Message[]

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 0206 05.10.2337


CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

spectation protocol
origin: Tfear Command
destin: Spectating Units
ref: spectation protocol

All units observing destruction of conditioned unit escapee will refrain from engaging in violent activities against participants, glanded and non-glanded.
Any units engaging in unauthorized combat will be executed and all wagers made by said units will be confiscated upon receipt by High Command.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

spectation protocol
origin: Tfear Command
destin: Spectating Units
ref: spe

We've found some weapons for you to use.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
Disconnecting... 0206 05.10.2337


CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Terminal 3[]

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 0206 05.10.2337


CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

spectation protocol
origin: Tfear Command
destin: Spectating Units
ref: spectation protocol

All units observing destruction of conditioned unit escapee will refrain from engaging in violent activities against participants, glanded and non-glanded.
Any units engaging in unauthorized combat will be executed and all wagers made by said units will be confiscated upon receipt by High Command.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

spectation protocol
origin: Tfear Command
destin: Spectating Units
ref: spectation protocol

All wagers will also make specific and honorable deposit of forty-three percent to High Command. Any units found in non-compliance or non-wagering activities will be demoted by class and rank.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 0206 05.10.2337

spectation protocol
origin: Tfear Command
destin: Spectating Units
ref: spectation protocol


K'lia has folded into the system and is moving into orbit.

The Pfhor fleet is in disarray, and Tfear has deployed the trih xeem, moving his flagship to board the Yrro station.

You've got to help the S'pht'kr activate their ancient weapon, before the Pfhor use their early nova and unleash the W'rkncacnter on us all.

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>
Disconnecting... 0206 05.10.2337


CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>



  • You can keep one of the Uplink Chips and use it on the lext level, allowing you to finish it faster as you only have to find one Uplink Chip in that level instead of two.
  • In one Terminal "Gladiator" is misspelled Glatiator
  • If you open the map in a mapping program, you will find the words "#MARATHON RULES!!!" written under the map.
  • There are 5 platforms outside of the map that serve no purpose, it could be Bungie had plans for this level that didn't make it in the final game. As platforms separated from the map are usually used to crush monsters with a "Nuclear Hard Death" so they explode with a nuclear death, which is an explosion audible and visible over the entire level.


Marathon Infinity - Level 24: You Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time!

Arrival ArrivalBigger Guns NearbyNever Burn Money
Counterattack Defend THIS!Couch FishingThe RoseSmells Like Napalm, Tastes Like Chicken!Cool FusionG4 SunbathingBlaspheme Quarantine
Reprisal Bob-B-QShake Before Using...
Durandal Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!Colony Ship For Sale, CheapHabe QuiddamNeither High nor Low
The Pfhor Pfhor Your Eyes Only...No Artificial ColorsUnpfhorgivenTwo Times Two Equals...Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones...EupfhoriaPfhoraphobiaAin't Got Time Pfhor This...
Rebellion Welcome to the Revolution...Try againIngue Ferroque
Network levels Mars Needs WomenCarnage Palace Deee-luxe5-D SpaceArenaE Equals MC What!!!!Showered With GrenadesSpiral InsanityWaldo World ArenaWhat Goes Up Must Come DownYou Don't Need To See My ID
Marathon 2: Durandal
Lh'owon Waterloo WaterparkThe Slings & Arrows of Outrageous FortuneCharon Doesn't Make Change
Volunteers What About Bob?Come and Take your MedicineWe're Everywhere
Garrison Ex CathedraNuke And PaveCuriouser and Curiouser...
Citadel Eat It, Vid Boi!The Hard Stuff Rules...Bob's Big DateSix Thousand Feet Under
Durandal If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody PaySorry Don't Make It SoFor Carnage, Apply WithinBegging For Mercy Makes Me Angry!
Captured The Big House
Blake This Side Toward EnemyGod Will Sort The Dead...My Own Private ThermopylaeKill Your Television
Simulacrums Where the Twist FlopsBeware of Abandoned Rental TrucksRequiem For a Cyborg
S'pht'Kr Fatum Iustum StultorumFeel the NoiseAll Roads Lead To Sol...
Network levels ThunderdomeShangri-LaNo DisintegrationsOK, HoneybunnyLack Of VisionFlight Of The ToolatorGiant Flaming Pit Of LavaHouse Of Pane16th ParallelOne Hit WonderOK, Who wants SomeEveryone's Mortal But Me5-D space
Marathon Infinity
Prologue Ne Cede Malis
Despair Rise Robot Rise Robot World Arena
Poor Yorick Two for the Price of One
Confound Delivery
Electric Sheep OneWhere are monsters in dreams Aie Mak Sicur
Rage Acme StationPost Naval TraumaWhere Some Rarely GoThing What Kicks...Electric Sheep TwoWhatever You Please Carroll Street Station
Naw Man He's CloseFoe HammerHang BrainElectric Sheep ThreeEat the Path You're Wormfood, Dude
Envy By CommitteeOne thousand thousand slimy thingsA Converted Church in Venice, ItalySon of GrendelStrange AeonsBagged AgainYou Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time!Aye Mak Sicur
Vidmaster Challenge Try AgainIf I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody PayYou Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time!
Network levels DualityThrudWrath No More?Y.A.F.N.M.Beyond ThunderdomeVulcanHouse of PainKing of PainEx Justicia MortisDead FieldsReturn to WaldoThink and ChunkyRoute 66MorphfineRoute 66 (604 or better)La Cosa NostraDelusions of GrandeurSplineMars Needs WomenWho's Got the Itchiesreverof nohtaram`Fugee CampMeletoninFortress Lh'owon